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Sexual Ecology

“A bombshell.”                  




                  The Advocate


“The most important book about AIDS and gay men since And The Band Played On. And it is far better.”                  

                   The Nation


Published by Dutton in 1997, Sexual Ecology has been

honored by the Publishing Triangle as one of the

"100 best lesbian and gay non-fiction books in history"


To read an extended excerpt from Sexual Ecology, click here.


“Trenchant...brave...merits the attention of a broad audience.” 

The New York Times



“Rotello’s ambitious book is the Silent Spring of the AIDS epidemic.”   

The Boston Globe




Kirkus (starred review)


“One of the seminal works of the plague years.”    

POZ Magazine


“The most important book in the history of the gay community and AIDS.”
Lawrence Mass, Co-founder of Gay Men’s Health Crisis


“Sexual Ecology should not just be read by gay men, but by

all people interested in human vulnerability to epidemic diseases.”

Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University


“Sophisticated and well written.”  Newsweek


“Highly readable...arguably the most important look at AIDS

since Randy Shilts' And The Band Played On.”        

The Hartford Courant


“Attacks AIDS shibboleths with formidable logic.

His prescriptions have the ring of hope." 

The Advocate


"A fiery piece of analysis, steeped in rationalism

and almost guaranteed to make readers irrational."     

The Washington Blade


"Nuanced, compassionate...will change the way we think about AIDS...

our lives may depend on it."   

Windy City Times


“Sexual Ecology is not just a gripping page-turner, it is the most important gay book of the 1990s. It’s about time someone put these questions in print.”

Dr. Charles Silverstein, “The Joy of Gay Sex”


“A remarkable book...a breath of fresh air

in the growing litany about the AIDS epidemic.” 

The New Scientist


“Deserves to be read and discussed as if gay men’s lives depended on it.

They do.” 

Bay Windows


Keep On Dancin' - My Life and The Paradise Garage


"...captivating, intriguing..."  

Billboard Magazine



"Cheren (with Rotello) redeems the familiar material with his unsparing candor and forthright energy.."   

Library Journal



"...details the splendors and miseries of the A-List-and the brilliant social and musical innovations of Mel Cheren, fantasy impresario of that delirious epoch..."     
Edmund White


Published in 2000, this is the autobiography of my late friend Mel Cheren,

a pioneer in the music industry and an early AIDS activist.


I co-wrote this book with Mel, plus a lot of input from his friend Brent Nicholson Earle, also a pioneer in the fight against AIDS.

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